Monday, March 5, 2007

Core's CAWH ITs the end of the world as I know it, but I feel, AHH ITS EATING ME!

-Cawh's journey into the darkness of Core!-

I faced GinsuBlender with The Core Cawh deck, GinsuBlender is a mighty good sport
by the way, if you happen to play him :)

Arosa showed up first, and I felt some Shell Games comming, of course Cawh would
be immunte to that.

Jalex came up, Argram had declared that he would summon Cawh into the dark.

Jalex would think about it, I got my starting cards, and lucky me, I can't belive it
my opening hand has Cawh!!

His designers intent choose Orothe so he could drop Cawh into play, then laugh.

I droped Chaos Sphere into play and consedereed Shadow Bones.. but I saved my 4 engery
who knows what I'd face. So I ended.

GinsuBlender meenwhile prodicted his demise vs Cawh. And I just realised I can't use
Shadow Bones on Cawh. Crap.

I drew some cards..and Cawh smashed an Abaqust. I ended. Not much I could do yet.

Fearing for his life, GinsuBlender took my relic, and drew lots of cards, cursing his draws.

I drew more, and felt my combo with Cawh (turning him into Core) was not going to happen anytime soon.

So Cawh attacked and Secrets of Book drew a single card, blah.

Ginsublender lamnented that he could not steal Cawh, who was still not Core, and very confused as to his
being ordered around by this Core Magi, then he got hit by a Crushing Surf, ow.

A Malstorm came in and finnished off Arosa.


Kayliel showed up taking my relics and drawing cards with them, how dare she!
Then she played a wholelotarelics! Oh my words. Relics!

More Relics after Cawh attacks. Relics oh my words.

(no relics smashing in my deck lol!!)

So I play Grim Goblet, I know its going to be stolen, I don't know why I played it.
I really want Cawh to die so I can play a new Cawh, New Cawh would become Core Cawh,
Core Cawh can get engery. :/

Actualy I don't want Cawh to die just yet, Core cawh takes massive engery to play.
Meenwhile GinsuBlender's playing ... relics. Woot. Relics. Why did'nt I put any relic smash
stuff in here? I don't know. Cawh feels at home with Relics around I guess.

A huge Ormagon came and got Cawh down to two engery. Yummy.

Well, NOW as I said before, would be a fine time for Cawh to die, and for nothing else bad
to happen to my engery, thats right. Nothing at all. I have no idea how or if thats
going to happen.

We run into a bit of a problem as he has no idea how to kill me without my creatures to take over,
and I can't kill him unless he kills Cawh, so we talk awhile as Cawh sits there wondering why he
ever left Naroom in the first place and wanting to get away from this darkness around him.

Meenwhile Crushing Darkness crushes Cawh and he is no more.

Remember what I said about nothing bad happening to my engery? Yeah, go Hubdra's Spear.
Ow. My engery. My pour engery.
Why? Why? Why did I not put that Climbing Staff in here? I don't know this deck is so wacky.

Well, Shadow Vinic will save me right? Screw this noise, I use all my engery. Maybe the next Magi will
produce Cawh as a Core Cawh, Argram's getting a bit peeved at Jalex for not doing that.

Ahh yeah, Ormagon comes and smashes him into nothingness. Agram is happy about that.


Qwade shows up, but with lackluster engery, whats he going to do?

...Not much :p

Boom. Argram's peeved, but Quade just says, "I'm not the real Quade-Shady."

will the real Quade please stand up... please stand up...

I wait as GinsuBlender and his magi play all sorts of things, so much Relics
in play, and now a Shadow Mantal and a Corrupt. O_o;

Why Is Slim-Quadey still around?

Quade can't take my pour skills at rap, the only good white raper is Denny Blaze! ( and everyone knows it!! Anyway, my Magi draws himself to defeat, Boom.


The Real Qwade comes up.



Corrupt is played, Agram's Staff is played, CAWH is played... CAWH BECOMES CORE! OM MY WORD END OF THE WORLD!

Also Then I play and use.. Shadow Bones! MAHAHAHA. Also I play some relics and junk.

A second Shadow Bones and this game is pretty close, GinsuBlender had to ditch his ring to protect his only Creature.

And I realise that my Turn spell is pretty much pointless, as is perhaps Stealth; although Stealth is a great card, but I should have had some more Creature smashing stuff. Ah well, also Relic removal.. yeah. Oh well.

Forgoten Dreams gets every Grim Goblit back. (It was Entombed earlyer)

I play my Shaodw Bones and a Storm of Fishes, calling Spells. Booom!

Core Cawh's at 44 engery.

I'm not sure this will ever end @_@; but at some point somethings going to give out. My Caous Sphere was almost
at full, and I'm sure he would take it , and he did, I plan to do nothing at this point but add more engery to Cawh.

Ormagon's back and he's looking for a snack... but he's not going to blow up, or attack!

60 engery Cawh.

... time passes ....

GinsuBlender calls upon the powers above but also cusses the powers that be out, I'm not sure thats going to help him at all.
I'm pretty sure thats a bad idea, kids don't blasphomy, it makes no logical sence.

But the Doom Sphere gets rid of 6 engery. Hey thats something eh?

He takes Argrams' Staff (last relic out, I really don't nead it at this point)

Corathan comes back, I'm pretty sure GinsuBlender has Over 9000!( of them in his deck somehow.

... At this point I can start Entombing stuff he has, Crushing Surf at the top of that list, but he
does have Mantle of Shadows, and I do have Inhibor Band, and he does Have Cube that can take it then
use Goggles twice with Vault Of Knowage Key then discard my Inhibor Band and its a revolving door.


His Magi goes down, but not his relics... Sigh! @_@;

I play a Corrupt and a well played Storm of Fishes for Relics.

Relics, powers, Relics, powers, Inhibor Bands stolen, endless loop of my relics being taken so he
can play his core spells V_V;

Well, in the end GinsuBlender finaly surcame to the power and force that was Core Cawh. Who can blame him?

What a good sport. Cawh ate him. Yum. Tastes like blenders.

Agram was well pleased, it had taken two magi, but Cawh was unstopable with the corupted powers and Shadow Bones
feeding him as they used bones again and again due to the darkened spells of d`Resh. Could nothing stop the mighty Core Cawh?

...... wind blows ......

Then... in the distance... he came...carrying a bunch of relics with him, he came.

"My name is Tony... and I'm here to reclaim Cawh!!"

Next time... Universal Cawh!! WITH SUPER TONY!! (oh my word...)


dartax said...

Good read. :)

Mitch said...

my cawh steal is better :P It uses qwelling. I got 2 cawhs in play with it once. Haha. I should give it to you sometime, though it needs luck and stuff to work.