Monday, September 24, 2007

Cawh: Home at last!!

Karse instantly got Cawh with Overgroath and Inhibor Band out, and that ws my turn

XenoNinja reveals Baa and plays a bunch of Bograth creatures oh my word lots of stuff!
And draws 7 cards! Oh my words cards!

I Algae Band and get Cawh fater still mahahah. Cawh.
Barqua's Bubble just in case, and finnish with eating a Jile yum.


XenoNinja ponders what he can do about my huge Cawh.
Vard Stamped smashes my Relics, noooo. Relics Mal, RELICS. Also overgroath. Ahhh!!
The humanity of it all.

I eat more Zung and realise my Orlon's Ring is pointless. Oh well.

Zung eats Cawh somemore, and theres not much going on other then that.

I heal Cawh, eat Zung.

Zungg swarm hits Cawh for 8 Dmg! Ow off ow, critcal hit!!

Cawh gets smacked with a huge Green Stuff, down to 2 engery!


Healed for 5! Woots, and Entangled for good messure.
More back and forth, I Shatershard his relic / Green Stuff and attack.
Its a never-ending swarm, I dont know how long Cawh can last @_@ at least nothing can
really hurt Cawh. Hahaha. MAhahah. Ha...ha.
Baa draws somemorecardsohmywordcards!!
I really should have put in that one card that destorys hands, that would have been funny.
Ah well.

I Crushing Surf twice and munch with Cawh, maybe this hord will get smaller? Eh. Maybe.


Baa rushs all his creatrues at me and then plays Treepsh :p
He wants to get ko'ed so I ko him.


Golthub shows up. Odd choice, but - Okay, he gets +7 engery from a Spirt of Bograth.
Yummy, I'm thinking, more swarm. Yay!

Nightmare channel ruins Gothubs day.
As shatershard smashes creature and relic alike.
Entangle just in case.


I Shell Cawh and attack Zungg and put out a Barquas' Bubble out!!
I should have used Piller of Brine he made his guys fat -_-;

Karse pays the price and falls.


Quilla shows up, Cawh shows up and Brine shows up!

Nothing can stop me now!!! 5 resiantance!!! "XenoNinja: xD i know insane"
So he just plays more stuff. Yay more stuff.
And a Voice of the Storm. Yikes.
I play more Brine and smash one thing, this isnt going well...
Theres not much I can do other then smash one more creature.
Relly I tossed this deck together too fast ;) But its Cawhs fianl stand, and Its all
about Cawh! CAWH!!

I smash. Lost engery that time, no brine this might hurt...

They bring down Cawh, but at what cost? Theres nothing left of em, unforantly, I nead to draw
Cawh before my last Magi shows up or its over...


Well, I didn't draw Cawh... uh oh..

Well, I also didn't put in Tradewinds or Vortex of Knowalge, what the bleep am I thinking?!
You know, Cawh deserves better then this, but I was in a rush. Maybe Cawh will return to the
sea with a better deck next time.
But its okay...

Well, my final Magi just shows up and gets swarmed, since Cawh desides to not show up.

He swims around in the waters of his home, not too happy with his loss, but happy to be home.

Home where he can be free....

Somewhere in the world, Tony sits, disquieted about losing his super powers.

"How can I save the world without Bog Pit?" He mutters to himself, then Tryn walks in.
"Tony... I've found a way!!"
"WHAT HOW?!" Tony exclames....
"Come with me..." She winks and together they run off... Super Tony... returns... NEXT TIME!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

??? Dust???

Where am I? I'm currently doing real life things.
Last time I did that I was off gnet for quite some time,
when I returened, the set that I had helped was FINALY on gnet.
I finaly got to play with cards I had (helped) design.
I'm not happy with the process of playtesting, I said the cards could be inporved,
but in place of that some of my cards got worse, way worse.
Anyway, that aside more new players show up for mnd randomly and most people just do not want to play with cards that are not "real" - soon we will have a MND cartoon (oh my word) - you know the demo even though old just does not freekin inspire me,
I think this mnd cartoon will fail. And if not, then MND on gnet will be pulled and it will not really matter.
But anyway, beforet that happens Cawh will go home, whenever I get a chance to do it.
I think it will be the final entry for quite some time.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Jungle Cawh vs occult

occult had a strange Kybar deck...

Amara, Beauty shows up. A spell deck?

Nothing is played O_o?!


I flip N'Kla, shes going to play all the stuff to draw cards for me, she does just that,
for whatever odd reasion I did not include Posion Baloo Root in here, ah well.


Amara Beauty shoots her arrow. Wow, my engery is gone! Smashed.

How will he kill my creatures? I'm in suspence.

He seems to also not know the answer to that. I draw lots of cards...

I Vortex and Tradewinds and attack for 4.

Occult does nothing.

I Sprit Drain him and attack to get the next Magi in play, perhaps the new Magi will be able
to take my current Magi down so I can get Cawh into play! :D


The Prankster comes in! Surprise! Giant Baldar pops up!! Rock Hyren joins the party.

Guess what I do? I DRAW CARDS! I Trade winds twice and used Fog Hyren, woot cards!!

Occult smashes my creature and I'm finlay clear!! Yay!!


Kiersta comes in and Swoons so that I'll have plenty to play CAWH!

I play Heart of Paradice, OPokami's Drumbs, Dewstone, Three-Leave Clover and an Inhibitor Band.
You know, Relics.

And I overgroath Cawh. :)


Occult plays Storm Clowd :(

I play Three Snares to block all his attacks! Lucky I might have a chance! That Storm Cloud really
did a number on me.

I Ambush the Rock Hyren, its gone!

I'm left with this:

Cawh gets smashed out. But he will be back! Its time to Swoon next turn!

Agrilla comes to play. and its my go.

Not enough engery to play Cawh :( But I can Ambush these things into dust.

Ambush Ambush!!!! Everythings dead!!

Spirt Drain smashes his Magi, occult curses but to no avail.


T'lok shows up, but I have Dewstone :D DO THE DEW!!!!

Gulp! T'lock seems upset that his rock did not smash me. I can't blame him.

Agrilla, Karkik and Baldar join the party.

I put up some resonable defence in Fog Hyren and Gremble.

Storm Cloud ruins my Fog Hyrens day.

I don't think I'll be making it, Karakik gets Fear power from Agrilla and can attack twice!

I get smashed. Its up to my last Magi to make a comeback!!

Boria shows up, her effect can mess with creatures as they are played, that does not help me now.

Cawhs back!!

And he gets Storm Cloud right away @_@ NO WAY!

I snare Agrilla and Baldar, but Karkik still gets some Fear and smashes Cawh.

I gulp down my last Dew... will Occult realise he can rock me for the game?


He does not! I'm saved for one final go!

I ambush Agrilla!

I trade winds hoping that I get something...

I get nothing! Snare and Dewstone would have saved me.

Occult smashes me with a Big rock.

Wow. Good game. What might have been a bad start for Occult really payed off in the end,
those darn Storm Clouds!

Cawh breaks free of the Jungles Snare and runs off.

Off to a high cliff... and jumps.... into the water below!!




Orothe at last... Cawh must fight in the waters of his home, to ensure his happyness,
and to finaly put a great finnish to the journey of Cawh.

What new dangers will Cawh face? Will he win the fights in his home lands?

Orothe Cawh... next time!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Weeve Cawh! Vs Frosty Ninja's Wudges!

Scyalla shows up with Cawh in toe and declares that Cawh is now Weeve!
I play a Ummar Beads and a Vortex of Knowalge, and a Three Leaf Clover to start things off.


Togoth shows up, I know that Frosty will use him to draw cards like a mad man madly drawing mad
cards ... mad.

A dark Cragnoc shows up. As well as the drawing cards Shadow Guyser (Underneath)


I Beem of Light away that Shadow Gyser and deside to just draw cards (safe from first attack)


Cawh shows up.



The might of Borgor and Dark Cragnoc finnish off Cawh.


I draw into a new Cawh with Tradewinds and Beem of Light out the 1 engeruy Borgor since
I'm safe from one attack, maybe I will survive awhile.

I deside its all or nothing time as I play Focus and hope for the best.


Borgor shows his face again, and I get alot of engery, I'm at 14 after attacks,
not bad.

Cawh shows up AGAIN.

I Heal him and its on to Frosty!

Cawh gets severed down to 10, gah! Borgor and Dark Cragonoc do a smash into Cawh as Frosty
wants his First Magi to go down in glory.

Frosty gets his wish as Cawh gets Weeve Sead and smashes!


Nagsis shows up with a Drush and a Koil.

I draw some cards and Weeve Mind myself a new Magi :D

Cawh Weeve Seeds twice and with the Hunt smashes everything to dust!


Frosty Ninja SWARM !!!!!!

Wudge, Zungg times 3 and Koil. Then
thanks to his odd Shadow Magi who was possesed by the last Magi, Bria
uses Bagala Fangs and Shadow Bones to make Wudge REALLY BIG!

I Sprout twice and Heal Cawh.

Cawh smashes the huge Wudge!

I really wanted to Weeve Mind out, but I did not have any reasion to. Used up all
my tricks!


Frosty's Fangs and Shadow Bones gives Zunng enough of a boost to take out Cawh!!

I'm at 2 engery after all attacks!!

Back to 11 on my turn, NOW I have a reasion to swtich, but first I play

Blade Hyren!! Then I Weave Mind out of there!

I Beem of Light out the Fangs, its the best I can do about that issue.

Best I can do, Binding that big Zunng and hope for the best. I also Dream Channel it to myself.

It seems to offset Frosty who ops not to attack!


I'm at 13 Engery Now!

I use a Channelers Glove to boost my engery up.

I Binding a second Zungg!!

Frostys back up...

Haunt is played! This could change everything!!

Terrorize is also played! @_@; yikes!

I'm down to six after all attacks!

Oh noes! I play Cawh again, but with MY Blade Hyren on his Side, I fear for the worse!

This is going down hill DARN IT HAUNT!!!

Nooo its over. And it was going so well!

Man - Cawh says its Blade Hyrens falt.

He breaks free of Weeve's Mind and stumbles off into the Jungle...

He feels like he is being stalked here...

In the jungle.. the mighty jungle.. the Cawh can't sleep....


The Jungles of Cawh Paradwyn... comming soon!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Arderal Cawh vs. Yamael and Joethemexican

Cawh took to the skys this time, but will he be draged down to the earth by the might of Weave?
To find out the Arderal Magi took on not one, but two players! Some pictures are not of Gnet as you normaly see it, but merged screens spliced together so you get an idea of what Cawh was really fighting.


Joe opens with Weave's Marella, Savant, she can play Junjertrug's for less.

Joe tosses out a Stumbling Junjertrug, a Uwamar and a Junjertrug.

Junjertrug!! Its a fun name to say, try it.


My turn, I flip Elios. And use his effect for all 8 cards.
This is madness, but I want to draw Cawh.
Speaking of madness, I deside now is a great time to toss out my Eye
of the storm and use its power.
I roll one and discard my hand.
Good job me!

I end my turn and draw my 8 cards, no Cawh.


Yamael has Bo'Ahsa. And plays Jumbor and Speag.



Joe has his Jinjetug Horn do its thing, and his Junjertug is big.
My pour Elios gets smashed good, I'm down to five cards. Argh.

"-=Yamael: man my feet stinks oO"
"-=joethemexican: ???"

This is the sort of talk that goes on after my magi is defeated.

DEFEATED I guess Elios dont have to worry about stinky feet. O_o;


I reveal my Amara and play a Shockwave to blast Joe's bigest creature away, adding 1 engery
to Speag.

I play Tranquility and add more engery to Speag. I draw my Cawh. Finaly.


Thats what Yamael does.
Just wow.

Two Weeve Seeds and 3 attacks... My help to Yamael is repayed by me being free from Joe's attacks,
as his field is clear.


Joe is in a uphill battle, and I dont think my Cawh will be any better off, the whole idea is
for my Cawh to be in play and be getting engery every spell played... -_- sigh plans never work out eh?

Joe does his best with a Uwamar, Stumbling Junjertrug, and a Seaweed Lascinth.


I drop in Cawh and play free spells to give him an engery boost. Will it be enough?

Yamael desides that Cawh is to big and attacks pour Joe.

Weaveing ... uwamar... engery moving... carnage!

Yamael has out a Bungalo , Pajick Pet, Jumbor and Speag!


Joe's up with his Stumbling Junjertug and Seaweed Lascinth,
he desides to not attack and just plays a Junjertug Calf.

Say it with me people "JUNJERTRUG!!!!!!!"


I play a wholebunchofspells!

Tradewinds, Starlight Genisis, 2 flood of engerys, Ecclips and a Tranquiltiy Cawh's at 24
I deside to attack a small creature of Yamael, he uses a wholebunchofeffects! His magi makes
me attack Bungalo, his Bungalo weeves and then gives engery to a creature!

WOw. what a blast.


Yamael goes up... he plays a wholebunchofcreatures.


Joe plays more creatures - no attacking, I think me and Joe will have to tag team for a bit.
In a 3 way you ALWAYS go agenst whomever seems to be the stronger player.

Junjertrug! Junjertrug! MORE MORE Junjertrug!!!! Oh my words. Cawh is wondering why they heck he
is fighting two Weave Magi, it seems they want to pull him down from the sky, hummm...


I shockwave Yamaels Jumbor and must attack since it taunted me last time.

I attack... Bungaloo and Joe admits he is not a girl anymore. This game is crazyed in the head.

This picture speaks for itself.


Yamael attacks with Tweave, it uses "Weave", Cawh eats some leaves.

This is what Yamaels's creatures are saying:

Wow. Just wow.

"-=joethemexican: i feel like i am playing jepeordy with its music going off right now"

Me too Joe, me too.


Joe desides to smash into Cawh with Junjertrugs, his Stumbling Junjertrug finnishs off Cawh and my Magi goes bye bye.


My last Magi is Nimbulo who plays Cawh, eats an engery from a creature, and plays Tranqulity.

I'm out of ideas. This is what I have to somehow survive:

Yamael proceeds to smash into Joe's creatures, at this point I've lost track of the madness at least
Cawh is safe... for now, there is alot of Weaving effects and effects going on.


I try to form an alance with Joe agenst the Yamael. This seems to work untill I keep talking about
how Yamael will then attack Joe and Cawh will just get more engery, lol.

Yeah, I'm safe. But.. there is just no way that Cawh will make it past all this.

... I know what you are all saying by now: Where is Cataclisem? ....


My turn, I Crushing Wind, but a Hut protects Joe, so I go after Baby Furok with Cawh, and attack Speag!

Cawh is so confused, the Weeve Magi are pulling him slowly down from the sky.


Finnish me if you can! I taunt Yamael. Who Crushes Groaths Joe's stuff.
Pour Joe.

Yamael then plays somemore creatures!


Joe uses some powers to move around engery and must attack! A Warror boots pops up a Junjertrug!!!

Junjertrug!!!!!! And again same thing twice!!!

Weeve Seed! The Hunt!

"-=Ice Cage: (observer) Doug I'm sorry to say this but you are screwed horribly"

Yeah I know... :p

Joe does a bunchofstuff: (big breath)

Joe is going after Yamael - Yamael defelect to a Baby Furok, Joe smacks Pajick Pet,
its atacked a Uwmar insteed, Weeve effect from Juntergag Cafe, its discarded, Rage effect!
Baby Furok, Guard effect- "doh!" effect from Joe Baby Furok is dead, Junjertug attacks,
PAjick Pet Weeves and Guards but still is dead, Junjertrug attacks Pajick Pet
Weeve, Guard, smashed! Junertung Calf attacks Frusk , Weeve effect! @_@;
Furusk is gone, Seaweed Lascrith attacks Uwamar and it Weeve's! Uwamar is gone!
Sabertooth Jumbor attacks Heppeswip - it weeves and dies. Stumbling Junjertug attacks Baby Furok,
its too cute to get hurt- Seaweed Lascinth takes care of that cute creature, its dead.
Sabertooth ?Jumbor attacks Bungaloo - it Flees and is gone.

WOW! Yamael has nothing out! Inpressive!!! Bo'Ahsa gets smacked down by some attacks.

Seaweed Lascinth smashes my Cawh!!!


Cawh gets Dream Balmed back to full.

I deside to finnish off Yamael who seems happy about that.

Now I deside to forgo my alence with Joe and team up with Yammel.



Joe's Junjertrug Rages on my Cawh and gets Cawh to 1 Engery.

WIZARD IS ABOUT TO DIE! Gauntlet screams out.

Cawh is draged down from the skys of Arderial to the lands of Weave!!

"Your ours now!" A mysterous voice says. Cawh roars... but then surcumbs to the will of the
Weave how will Cawh make it out? Will he ever get home?
Tune in next time.... when Cawh becomes WEAVE!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Boged Cawh. Vs Dartax.

I play Dartax as Boged Cawh sinks into the muck slowly.

Baa opens and I expect to draw 5 cards with him, and my opening hand I get Cawh. What?! Wow! What great luck.

Well: Baa did say in my last entry that he would get Cawh out of the muck. But Baa's forgoten all about that now,
and just plays 3 Bograth Creatures.. all so I can draw 5 cards at the end of my turn. Weee.

... Now Dartax flips Magi Magam, Flamesmith. Cawh is not happy, he just got away from the hot lands of Cald.
Now he has to face a Cald Magi?! Great.

So.. as expected, Cald just does massive dammage with spells, and Baa's got one single creature and you know what?
Baa neads to just get defeated anyway. So, yeah Baa is uselss at this point, his only goal was realised on turn one.
Turn one Baa?! Whats wrong with you?

Dartax dreams up some more Cald creatures to put the hurt on Baa... Dartex wants the Abraxin's Crown and
I want my Magi to get defeated, this is a wacked game I tell you.

I Beem of Light out stuff, if nothing else just to remove some engery! Argh. -_- I should have used that other Bog magi,
but nooo I'm sticking to the story I had up from last time. V_V; Sigh..

Dartex grumbles that he only had one copy of the relic that Beem destoryed and I just laugh at him.

Baa gets Sparked for 2 dammage total. Baa's at 7 engery. Finaly, its time for Baa to go down in a ball of fire.

This Flame Boost effect is really good. The other parts going to hurt my Cawh :/ oh well.


Brog I am Brog .... resantance to Cawh is pointless!

I play Lighting Sand after Cawh to offer a bit of Protection.

Zero engery Brog. Hope Cawh can take a pounding!

Dartax is good to his word and Sparks so that my Lighting Sand spell.

Dartax then plays Blast Gloves and a Gorgle's Gift.

Cawh hates fire.

Brog just can't belive it, its like, Voyager totaly hides itself inside a Sphere, with no explation and
comes out to see Earth... and uhhh... Resantance was pointless...

Well, my next Magi has a Chance.

And I see an Inferno Xyx in play. Its total anti-Cawh card day or what?



Golthub shows up. I could just blow him up and end this blog, but nope!

Here comes Cawh!

I play Overgroath and Flood of Engery. Ahh Refreshing.

More Flood of engery! If I had Bog Pit I'd be cool. But I dont :/

I deside to play my Trade Winds guess what I draw?! HAHAHH Bog Pit.

.... Even Cawh laughs at me.

dARtax'S turn: Spark -1. Blast -15. Imolate -11. Cawh is very much crushed.

Immolate (on a Flambit, what did they run out of names for powers?!) this removes up to 3 from my Magi.


Just. Wow.

Cawh sinks into the slime of Bograth, beaten by Clad, and he has lost hope.

Just then a winged Magi pulls him up from the swamp with an Updraft...

Cawh finds himself in the sky... Arderial Cawh!!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Yay Cawh vs Mal! Its my Burn Mawh deck!!

(malovis=mal for those whom don't know)

Mal is the master of all things Cawh. So its only cool that I finaly go to battle with Cawh Cald deck.

"I'm playing 'surprise' cuz its a fairly neutral deck ! Mal declares."

I'm scared.

Quilla shows up and drops in a huge Rock Silth! SURPRISE!



I choose and reveal Aula Mindseeker. Yes, shes my "Draw" magi for this deck. And... no Cawh. Sigh.

Alua draws and hasa Flame Spurt come out! Yay. -_-


Mal draws cards! Tradewinds! Yay drawing cards!
Not much to talk about, he attacks with Rock Slith, it loses engery from my Flame Spurt, and I do nothing on my turn.
Its a race to draw Cawh for me, and Mal's playing more big fat creatrures BFC's
Furok Guardian shows up. Eeek.

I finnish my turn doing noting, and finaly draw my Cawh. YAY! Just in time for my next Magi!

Magam shows up. Drops Cawh into play!

I also use Inhibor Band because I HATE Rayje's Belt, I drop in a Scrool of Fire and Firefly swarm to keep that Naroom dude
at bay.

End turn with Cawh and Zero engery on Magi... yikes.


Colossus jumps out. EEEk! What No attacks?!

Sinder's Mantle pops up to help my Cawh. :)

Cawh smashes that Furok into dust.

Fireball the Colossus!

End turn.

Two attacks and a Crushing Surf finnish Cawh. Darn.

I draw some cards, MAl puts out a free Greater Gargagnor with a Orathan Horn ... nice.

Sersouly, so, basicly I have to have nothing happen untill I draw Cawh again yeah...

Mal plays a Parathin and a Weebo, for a free creature.. this is getting crazy!

OH and Blue Yajo shows up somehow @_@;

Okay, Parathin had a relic help it: Orathan Gloves; so it twists itself out, brings in a Rayje Constuct,
and Weebo can revive it... oh man, this is going nuts...

I use some relic might in Gorgles Glasses, Ring and Firefly ammulet to stop attacks for awhile.

Someone at this point might ask, "Where is Cawh?" You know what: I DON'T KNOW!

I really must take out that Rayje Constuct, it just helps out Mal too much.

Grakanden shows up....


I boomstick and Gorgle ring that Grakanden into dust.

Fireflys on the Rajye Constuct Heheh...


Moonsong Hyren shows up, moves around engery. I'm desprate. Must kill Constuct.

Meh. I draw myself to defeat, neting me my Cawh! Yay! Last Magi! Yay Cawh! Despration has set in!! YAY!

My awsome plans for a comeback are short sighted: Spirt of the Flames is a really bad card, not in this deck.. just does not work.


Mal plays Heal on Rayje Constuct....


Mal's proven he is the true Master of Cawh and Relics Mal, Relics.

Cawh walks off in a haze, tired from the heat, tired of being beaten, only to land in some muck, at least he
can cool down here.

"I'm Baa. I'm going to transform you..." Baa says to Cawh.

Cawh sighs deeply, how will he get out of the swamps of Bograth?!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


So cute.

Cute Hamster Enjoys Broccoli - Click Here for more great videos and pictures!

....Cawh enters into the harsh lands of d`Resh.

The Sands of Cawh deck!

I played Mobis (no relation to the Magi)

By the way, Mobis was very nice to play with, and it was good to play someone whom injoys the game.

I'm going to call him Bob if he uses Mobis the Magi to prevent
confusion, or I'll call the Magi Bob.
There should so be a Magi named Bob. I'll make him as a custom sometime...
Any way... on to the game:


Bob.. I meen Mobis flips into play the Magi... Karse.
Oh. Oh no. Please. For the love of humanty. He is .... its a Cawh deck.
Oh good, as if I've not had enough Cawh.
Wait, there can be only one Cawh, then.. then my Cawh is nothing but an illusion!
Of course, in the Sands of d`Resh one offen sees illusions...

Tommorow's Jewel pops in first, then Cawh! Its Cawh!!!! ARGH!!

So thats it for Bob/Mobis.


I reveal: Dey. Dey's effect will be totaly useless vs this deck. The sigh.

Well, unbeliveable, I've drawn 2 Cawhs' in my opening hand. I toss out Cawh and he

Oasis and Sand Strands. Sand Strands makes my Cawh an Illusion, Cawhs not real. Its all in my head.

I've reclamed some engery because Cawh is not real.. I don't know what will happen next.
Bob tosses out Ancestral Flute, to get more Cawhs: One can never have too much Cawh I always say.
Cawh. It rolls down stairs, in loner and pairs, and makes a big clunk sound.. no wait, thats log...

If I have to type Cawh again I'll scream.

MobiBob has his Cawh attack my Cawh. ... "AHHHHHHHHHH!" sorry theres my scream from typing Cawh again.

My go, Unmake is played to Unmake his Cawh and my Illsuion loses 1 engery as well.

Illusion Cawh can't attack. Thats it for my turn, Cawh.

I'm going to just say Cawh every other sentince from now on Cawh.

Just kidding..

Aubbra's Wisdom nets me a new hand of 5 cards at the end of my turn. (Cawh!)

I think the Sand's gotten to my head.

Bobis's turn and Orothean Goggles + Cawh! CAWH! Hits the field. Cawh forever.

Also Cawh likes being underwater as Submerge helps him get big and happy. Mostly Big.

Those Goggles help you see underwater better. Water is wet unless its frozen. Thats a fact.

Desiccate ruins his Cawh's day. I laugh.

The extra draing helps me a bit, and the Magi Wahall shows up. By the way - that Desiccate took care of
his first magi. Bonus points for me.

BobMovis Sea Barl draws some cards. Its a thrill ride of Cawh my friends.

Dreamcatcher and Avatar's Staff drop in on my side, and a Daydreams draws me.. Cawh. Joy. V_V;
A Lighting Sand zaps by to offer some protection for my side, and I'm done.

Beem of Light smashes Cawh and my Dream Catcher into dust. Sea Baral! Yay.
Cards Yay! Cawh! Yay!!

Wow I play other cards, I play Habob and Szhar! Wow! Cool I can do stuff!
Yay I shuffle my hand into deck with Aubra's Wisdom! Illusionary Cawh makes you lose your mind, its a fact!

Relic Stalker picks off my last relic :(

A tital wave ruins my Creatures plans. Sea Baral comes up to four engery and kicks my Magi back to the Moonlands
of defeated pile.

d'Jarvish shows up sporting some nifty claws.

Crushing Sands smashes his creature, take that Sea Baral!

Lighting Sand zips fastly quickerly by and thats it for me.

Whall is looking sorta week with only 6 engery, but I have nothing in play! Argh. >_<

Cawh comes back, again. I debate: Turn him into an illusion? Leave him normal? Sing a song about Cawh?

"Music hits me so hard makes me say oh my word.. STOP CAWH time!"

Bwill shows up and I get Entangled. Joy. Undertow makes Cawh unhappy.

I do nothing what a turn what a turn, more Undertow hits Cawh. Ow.


After that I Crush his darn creatutre with Sand and then I Lighting Sand + Oasis.


Voda shows up, drops a Robe of Ages / Orothean Goggles Cawh and Overgroath into play, his Cawh gets +3 at the end.

Voda.. yo yo yo yo Yoda... Sorry, thats Yoda song from Weird Al... Illsuion Cawh time!

Sand Strands turns my Cawh back into an Illusion, and I Daydream up a Mirage! Yay. Mirge transforms into a Racecar!
Sadly I can't play it, seems A Tranquility was played and I missed it, must have been the sand in my eyes.
I play more Daydream and a Forgoten Tail brings a Cawh back into my hand. Yay Cawh.

My Cawh loses his mind at this point and attacks the big Cawh and I play Szhar.

I fear for the worse, but perhaps the worse also fears me, because next up is my last Magi who might just turn
the tide.. get it tide?! Cawhs a water creature? Get it?? ... *wind blows*


Korremar, Avatar the last Sandbender shows up! See long ago, the four nations were peacefull, then Cald attacked,
only the last Sandbender could save them all but he vannished...

Yeah, so I put out Cawh, I play Forgoten Songs to get Sand Strands and turn Cawh into an Illusion!

Two Mirages' are played! And a Crushing Sand! Mirage transforms into a race car! Vroom! I draw and end.

Two Crushing Surf smash my Illusion Cawh, somehow I don't think my Illusion will make it!!

Real Cawh attacks! Ahhhh!

I put out a Szhar... I think my Illusions have run dry, get it dry? d`Resh... *wind blows*

Right... so...

Undertow + Cawh attacks =

So, as the sun set upon the harsh lands of d`Resh, Cawh finds himself finaly out of the strange land,
where Illusion is real and real is Illusion , he stumbles his way into a really hot place, Cawh hates it
here, he mumbles to himself, trying hard to avoid it, but he finds a friend or two...

IN Cald! Next time!! CAWHS ON FIRE!!!!


...also. CAWH!

(AHHHH!) Final scream.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Super Tony Deck with Cawh!! Oh my words...

Tony grabed ahold of Cawh and jumped on, "I've got him back... AHHHH!!" They took off in a flash..


I played BobbyDoc who proclamed his deck was a "mod suoer duper deck"
I have no idea what that is, I can't even begin to try to guess, suoer? Suger?
Super? Snipers? Man I'm scared.

Klynn showed up, drawing a spell and tossing out an Illsuionary Sandstorm Orsha,
say that three times fast. Heck, say it at all @_@;

I fliped Eryss and she did her normal draw stuff; my Super Tony deck will not
have anything to do with Tony untill he shows up on the third magi... untill then
he and Cawh are wildily running around, gathing up relics with other Magi help.

Actualy, Eryss did a new trick for me, Booting in a Fog Hyren and netting me a Sypon Vortex
so I could get rid of the creature, then doing her normal draw stuff.

Back to Bobby, who played oh so much spells, Crushing Wind my good for me root, then
giving me cards with Vortex, shhh! You can hear the wind talking with the leaves!

So much spell use, Malstrom Flask; Chill of the Night; mmm was I playing a spell centric deck?
Would Tony be any use vs. that? I don't know!

Looked like Eryss would soon see the end, thats fine, shes just there to draw cards umm... sticking
to the story line- shes just there looking for Relics for Tony, yeah.. thats it.

More Crushing wind and I had nothing in play.

Bobby played, you guess it, tons of spells, he had no deck, it was crazy and a Sprit drain
finnihed Eryss off.


My next Magi Was ALua, Mindseeker...

The colors man, the colors!

And drew cards... 19 cards, Bobby helped with a Vortex, then a nice Spirt Drain,
so long Aula.

In comes Tony, crashishing though the wall "I HAVE CAWH!" he proclames.

A lone Phrup anyoyed me, but an Elemtal Shild basicly made it do its thing or face the Shild, a win win.

Now Tony was ready.

"I summon a bunch of stuff!" He yells.

And he did.

I have no idea just what I did but this picture speaks volumes:

Tony misses his Bog Pit :(

What happened Tony, why didn't you summon Cawh?

"BOG PIT!!!!" He crys out... oh well, lost cause there, I guess he will never get over that relic being
lost in the rain and getting watered down and useless to him, pour guy.

Anyway, Bobbydocs got so much engery now he just goes spell crazy, at least I had a nice Tranqulity, but
I'm pretty sure I'm getting killed this turn, Super Tony has few relics that help him out but with little engery
to work with, he was unable to strip the oppsing magi of engery, leaving him totaly open to all sorts of things.

Chill of the Night smashes a Rayje Construct into the ground, unbelivibley , Bobbydoc runs low on engery after drawing massive cards.
Tony's most likely not going to be able to summon Cawh, after draging it back from the breaches of Core?

"Whats wrong with you Tony?" I scream.

"BOG PIT!" He yells out into the Chill of the Night, as Beems of Light crush his hard earned relics into dust.

"GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF TONY!" I'm yelling... Phurp shows up and laughs.

Rayje's Constuct lends him suport and a well placed Elemtal Shild shuts out Phrup and defeats the first Magi.

Tony has 13 engery now, and just can't summon his might to get Cawh out. "Sorry Cawh.." he mutters, placing a few relics out.

"I just... don't have it in me..."

I'm getting depressed :(

Rayje's Construct, Mark 2 shows up, trying to boosters our spirts, he sugests we forget about Cawh and focus on trying to win this thing.

Tony perks up, "Thats right, I still have power... LETS DO IT!"

Then Sorreah shows up.

. . . Bleep.

A Bolt of lighting and a Chill of the Night... and Rayje's Construct lies in ruines...

Tony falls down, defeated. Cawh just looks down.... and walks off, dejected and upset that after his
brillant rescue from Core this would happen. Tony coughed out "Bog Pit." Before fainting to the ground.

So Cawh walks off... alone... into the desert. The harsh lands of d`Resh...

Monday, March 5, 2007

Core's CAWH ITs the end of the world as I know it, but I feel, AHH ITS EATING ME!

-Cawh's journey into the darkness of Core!-

I faced GinsuBlender with The Core Cawh deck, GinsuBlender is a mighty good sport
by the way, if you happen to play him :)

Arosa showed up first, and I felt some Shell Games comming, of course Cawh would
be immunte to that.

Jalex came up, Argram had declared that he would summon Cawh into the dark.

Jalex would think about it, I got my starting cards, and lucky me, I can't belive it
my opening hand has Cawh!!

His designers intent choose Orothe so he could drop Cawh into play, then laugh.

I droped Chaos Sphere into play and consedereed Shadow Bones.. but I saved my 4 engery
who knows what I'd face. So I ended.

GinsuBlender meenwhile prodicted his demise vs Cawh. And I just realised I can't use
Shadow Bones on Cawh. Crap.

I drew some cards..and Cawh smashed an Abaqust. I ended. Not much I could do yet.

Fearing for his life, GinsuBlender took my relic, and drew lots of cards, cursing his draws.

I drew more, and felt my combo with Cawh (turning him into Core) was not going to happen anytime soon.

So Cawh attacked and Secrets of Book drew a single card, blah.

Ginsublender lamnented that he could not steal Cawh, who was still not Core, and very confused as to his
being ordered around by this Core Magi, then he got hit by a Crushing Surf, ow.

A Malstorm came in and finnished off Arosa.


Kayliel showed up taking my relics and drawing cards with them, how dare she!
Then she played a wholelotarelics! Oh my words. Relics!

More Relics after Cawh attacks. Relics oh my words.

(no relics smashing in my deck lol!!)

So I play Grim Goblet, I know its going to be stolen, I don't know why I played it.
I really want Cawh to die so I can play a new Cawh, New Cawh would become Core Cawh,
Core Cawh can get engery. :/

Actualy I don't want Cawh to die just yet, Core cawh takes massive engery to play.
Meenwhile GinsuBlender's playing ... relics. Woot. Relics. Why did'nt I put any relic smash
stuff in here? I don't know. Cawh feels at home with Relics around I guess.

A huge Ormagon came and got Cawh down to two engery. Yummy.

Well, NOW as I said before, would be a fine time for Cawh to die, and for nothing else bad
to happen to my engery, thats right. Nothing at all. I have no idea how or if thats
going to happen.

We run into a bit of a problem as he has no idea how to kill me without my creatures to take over,
and I can't kill him unless he kills Cawh, so we talk awhile as Cawh sits there wondering why he
ever left Naroom in the first place and wanting to get away from this darkness around him.

Meenwhile Crushing Darkness crushes Cawh and he is no more.

Remember what I said about nothing bad happening to my engery? Yeah, go Hubdra's Spear.
Ow. My engery. My pour engery.
Why? Why? Why did I not put that Climbing Staff in here? I don't know this deck is so wacky.

Well, Shadow Vinic will save me right? Screw this noise, I use all my engery. Maybe the next Magi will
produce Cawh as a Core Cawh, Argram's getting a bit peeved at Jalex for not doing that.

Ahh yeah, Ormagon comes and smashes him into nothingness. Agram is happy about that.


Qwade shows up, but with lackluster engery, whats he going to do?

...Not much :p

Boom. Argram's peeved, but Quade just says, "I'm not the real Quade-Shady."

will the real Quade please stand up... please stand up...

I wait as GinsuBlender and his magi play all sorts of things, so much Relics
in play, and now a Shadow Mantal and a Corrupt. O_o;

Why Is Slim-Quadey still around?

Quade can't take my pour skills at rap, the only good white raper is Denny Blaze! ( and everyone knows it!! Anyway, my Magi draws himself to defeat, Boom.


The Real Qwade comes up.



Corrupt is played, Agram's Staff is played, CAWH is played... CAWH BECOMES CORE! OM MY WORD END OF THE WORLD!

Also Then I play and use.. Shadow Bones! MAHAHAHA. Also I play some relics and junk.

A second Shadow Bones and this game is pretty close, GinsuBlender had to ditch his ring to protect his only Creature.

And I realise that my Turn spell is pretty much pointless, as is perhaps Stealth; although Stealth is a great card, but I should have had some more Creature smashing stuff. Ah well, also Relic removal.. yeah. Oh well.

Forgoten Dreams gets every Grim Goblit back. (It was Entombed earlyer)

I play my Shaodw Bones and a Storm of Fishes, calling Spells. Booom!

Core Cawh's at 44 engery.

I'm not sure this will ever end @_@; but at some point somethings going to give out. My Caous Sphere was almost
at full, and I'm sure he would take it , and he did, I plan to do nothing at this point but add more engery to Cawh.

Ormagon's back and he's looking for a snack... but he's not going to blow up, or attack!

60 engery Cawh.

... time passes ....

GinsuBlender calls upon the powers above but also cusses the powers that be out, I'm not sure thats going to help him at all.
I'm pretty sure thats a bad idea, kids don't blasphomy, it makes no logical sence.

But the Doom Sphere gets rid of 6 engery. Hey thats something eh?

He takes Argrams' Staff (last relic out, I really don't nead it at this point)

Corathan comes back, I'm pretty sure GinsuBlender has Over 9000!( of them in his deck somehow.

... At this point I can start Entombing stuff he has, Crushing Surf at the top of that list, but he
does have Mantle of Shadows, and I do have Inhibor Band, and he does Have Cube that can take it then
use Goggles twice with Vault Of Knowage Key then discard my Inhibor Band and its a revolving door.


His Magi goes down, but not his relics... Sigh! @_@;

I play a Corrupt and a well played Storm of Fishes for Relics.

Relics, powers, Relics, powers, Inhibor Bands stolen, endless loop of my relics being taken so he
can play his core spells V_V;

Well, in the end GinsuBlender finaly surcame to the power and force that was Core Cawh. Who can blame him?

What a good sport. Cawh ate him. Yum. Tastes like blenders.

Agram was well pleased, it had taken two magi, but Cawh was unstopable with the corupted powers and Shadow Bones
feeding him as they used bones again and again due to the darkened spells of d`Resh. Could nothing stop the mighty Core Cawh?

...... wind blows ......

Then... in the distance... he came...carrying a bunch of relics with him, he came.

"My name is Tony... and I'm here to reclaim Cawh!!"

Next time... Universal Cawh!! WITH SUPER TONY!! (oh my word...)

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Cawh goes under the ground, and into Naroom!

Cawh goes Underneath!

Aribalt played Kybar vs my Cawh Underneath deck, I didn't go towards the idea of burrowing Cawh then adding engery, the other possiblity might be to lock out his Fearsome effect with the card I hate (Rayje's Belt) and then Burrow him, but I just went for engery gain... Cawh didn't like being underground anymore then he liked being frozen, and did not do well :(


Cawh goes to the Naroom lands!

godofchoas faced my Naroom's Cawh deck with a odd mix of Bograth and duel Regon Bograth creatures, he put several engery gain cards, making all his creatures fat, Cawh must like Naroom, he sure got big, but that fat swarm plus more (broken) Rayje relics (first Belt, then Sword. Sigh!) made Cawh loose.


After all these losses, Cawh's feeling unloved, and unwanted in most regons, and starts to wonder if he should return home, the darkness clouds around him... and he can no longer think...

"I am Agram... I have come for you..." A voice says... then Cawh became Core...

NEXT TIME (sorry for short posts, I didn't take notes this time, but next time I will!)

Friday, February 2, 2007

Frozen Cawh fails!

Today begins the Cawh of every regon deck bulding.

Frozen Cawh is up first, you've seen my Kybar Cawh.
Cawh decks are somewhat "same" in the sence that Cawh is in them,
and suport cards for Cawh are pretty much the same, what makes
the deck unique is how each Regon will handle Cawh, giving it enger,
or otherwise protecting Cawh somehow.
Cawh's pretty restrictive in how he is used.

I played Pylofuf Boy with my new Cawh deck, Frozen Cawh.
Pylofuf played.. Dark Twins. Oh. Good. Dark Twins. Yay. /sarcasam.
Playing agenst Dark Twins again.. sigh.

He played Nightmare Constcut and Dark Cragnoc, then Entomb-making
Crystalise a core spell. See , earlyer we had played, and Crystalise
+ Cawh (and me giving him Cawh with Shell Game) had lead to a very
one sided game...(since he could not play creatures)

My first draw had no Cawh. I was pretty sure this was going down hill

I did not draw him eather... without Cawh, this game was over before it
started, I might have to see about adding in other creatures to Nar,
they start with just one card.. so they are somewhat limmited in that respect.

My Magi got defeated no problem, and Shadow Cloak showed up along with
Raveled Drush.

I drew my two cards and ended, luck was on my side, I had drawn Cawh.
I wondered if my last Magi with Cawh in play would be enough,
and if not- this artical is going to be very lackluster- but
when facing Dark Twins.. with no creatures out...

My second Magi went down. Unbelivible, I was able to play Cawh, but
then realised that it would cost my whole engery just to play him,
and he would go down with all the creatures Dark Twins had out...
Cawh didn't even get frozen... maybe this deck neads a retro-fitting
and I sertenly can't go agenst Dark Twins with it.

Well, lackluster go. Maybe Cawh will do better... UNDERNEATH!!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Kybar Cawh and the Kybar Clad fight to the death!

I played InsanelyOriginal, using a deck Mal and I tossed together way
back in the day, "Kyber Cawh"

I started with Kyg`n - drew some cards with Kybar's Scroll.
I grabed a Trade winds, but desided to put out my Rockslide Hyren
and end my turn- I didn't want to use all my engery!

InsanelyOrginal was using Traveling Healer, I had played his deck
a total of three times before, him beating my two Arderal Xyx decks,
the last time, I beat him with my Bograth swarm deck. I honestly
had no idea how Cawh would fair, but I would find out soon enough.

He played out a Clif Hyren and Wandering Balmut, and his Flameplate
armor and ended his turn.

I used my Hyren's power to force 2 and 4 engery discarded, after that,
I just rock slided his Hyren, just because I'm nice that way.
:) I could'nt play or do anything else, and Lore from my scroll neted me
the Cawh.

My Magi would see defeat, but that was o.k. - Cawh would soon enter play,
question was- would it help?

Wessing entered play. Her effect was largely useless agenst a (mostly) Kybar
deck. It looked like my next Magi would be better for Cawh.
I drew a few cards, and desided I would alow Wessing to be smashed, it was a lack
-luster turn for me to say the least.

InsanelyOrginal attacked my lone Sagawal and my Magi, then played
a Baldar, I wondered if Cawh would survive any of this...

I played a Stone Storm for 8, reducing two of his creatures by 5.
I then Lored myself to oblivion, getting rid of his Maga Armor and Wandering Balmant.
With my lore - I got my "combo" card with this Cawh deck... Kybar's Fang!
(You can make Kybar's fang a creature even with Cawh in play, since you are not "playing"

I ended my turn, finaly Cawh would see the light of day. Things looked pretty good,
not alot of creatures or engery out, (for now) so I was hopefull for Cawh.

InsanelyOrginal played Thoughtful Baldar, used his power, Elder Yark was revealed,
but since he was past his play creature step, so it was not useful.
and his Traveling Healer's effect would boost the other creatures by one.

Cawh comes into play!!

Finaly... I revealed my last Magi:

Groll the Fallen! - His power is great for Cawh. Would Cawh live to see it used?
I debated playing Grapple Tooth, but finaly went with it, this had me at 1 engery.

InsainlyOrginaly put Cawh in a Smoke Trap, I called out "mommy" as he taunted me with
"you know you love me." Thoughtful Baldar showed Baldar who came in for 4 engery.
At least I did not get attacked. I'm sure InsainlyOrginal thought
his smoke trap would keep him safe, but Mal made this deck with Beem of Light in it,
at the time, the only card that prevented attacks that stayed in play
was Crystalise, but now there are more.

I used my power, Desprate, then played out Robe of ages, and Beem of light. Then I laughed.
I knocked out a creature, and got a woping 8 engery.
Played Rejuvante for 1 engery, restorying Cawh back to his mightness.
InsanilyOrginal begain to pray for help.
I then Crushing stoned two creatures. Because I can...yay me.
I then gave Baldar a Feet of Stone, preventing it from attacking.
Things were good for Cawh today.

InsanilyOrginal Bombared for a woping six and then Brushfired my Cawh.

I played out a Dream Balm and laughed again, InsainlyOrginal wanted to
call a lawer and make some law agenst this sort of abuse.

I played my big fat Kybar Fang, and my Dewstone, I debated playing
out my Jester's Mask, he had 7 cards in hand.. Cawh could be in a
world of hurt by giving him so much more engerise.. but.. I tossed
caution to the wind and played it.

Yikes, a Rock Slith made an apperance, a true clash of big monsters was
in order.

Now, I had some thinking to do, I could Rockslide his Rock Silth, but
that would just give his Magi 11 engery (and I could attack, removing that engery)
OR, I could pump up my Cawh, and kill him, giving my Magi engery.
I had 11, and I thought- if I could draw a Feet of Stone, I could
turn the tide by Rocksliding and attacking.

So I trade-winded in some cards, used a Kybar Scroll and Grappled my way into more cards,
but nothing helped, my best bet was to Cawh into more engery.
The 11 engery gain alowed me to play Dream Balm and a Tommorw's Jewel.
I couldn't hurt his Magi though.

InsainlyOriganal grumbled about all my insain restoring, but laughed at every bit of it.
He played out an Agrilla and Brushfired my Cawh. I used Stone Storm, having to target Cawh
as well (it says two creatures, and does not give a choice)

But, I had Dream Balm in hand, so all was well in my world, I of course restored Cawh,
and InsainlyOrginal revealed his last Magi:

Wanderers (a duel magi)

Wanderers has a good power and a decent effect, it also has some text that makes them
less usefull if you try to get them into play after the Engerize step (some cards would alow for this)
InsainlyOrginal played a Cliff Hyren and a Mosp.

He then played a Slime Stone... yikes- he could reduce Cawh to one engery if he had the
cards.. the question was .. did he?
He then played Crushing Heat and Brushfire.
Finaly, Slime Stone Shrivled Dreams my Cawh.. I was ready for the worst, but no combo.
Cawh had survived to fight some more.

I smashed his Mosp with some relic might, I regret not turning my Kybar Fang into a creature first,
but, ah well. I could possibly win this turn if I had.
I played the card I hate to play- Raje's Belt (I guess Mal put it in) and locked out Shriveled Dreams.
(I'm going to replace that card most likely-down with Belt!)

InsainlyOrginal dreamed up a Mosp and Thoughtfullbaldar, and a Jagged Rocks, I gave him
some combos for Slime Stone, he knew of them - but I try to be helpful from time to time ;)

This time , I made my relic into a creature...and drew a Dream Balm, Cawh was fat once
again, and InsainlyOrginal called some more lawers trying to make that combo agenst the law again.


I played a Stone Storm, smashing his creatures into nothing, and attacked for the game.

Well, over all InsainlyOrinal played like a true sport, and we both had fun playing.
I'm very happy to see great players like him on gnet! Great Game!