Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Boged Cawh. Vs Dartax.

I play Dartax as Boged Cawh sinks into the muck slowly.

Baa opens and I expect to draw 5 cards with him, and my opening hand I get Cawh. What?! Wow! What great luck.

Well: Baa did say in my last entry that he would get Cawh out of the muck. But Baa's forgoten all about that now,
and just plays 3 Bograth Creatures.. all so I can draw 5 cards at the end of my turn. Weee.

... Now Dartax flips Magi Magam, Flamesmith. Cawh is not happy, he just got away from the hot lands of Cald.
Now he has to face a Cald Magi?! Great.

So.. as expected, Cald just does massive dammage with spells, and Baa's got one single creature and you know what?
Baa neads to just get defeated anyway. So, yeah Baa is uselss at this point, his only goal was realised on turn one.
Turn one Baa?! Whats wrong with you?

Dartax dreams up some more Cald creatures to put the hurt on Baa... Dartex wants the Abraxin's Crown and
I want my Magi to get defeated, this is a wacked game I tell you.

I Beem of Light out stuff, if nothing else just to remove some engery! Argh. -_- I should have used that other Bog magi,
but nooo I'm sticking to the story I had up from last time. V_V; Sigh..

Dartex grumbles that he only had one copy of the relic that Beem destoryed and I just laugh at him.

Baa gets Sparked for 2 dammage total. Baa's at 7 engery. Finaly, its time for Baa to go down in a ball of fire.

This Flame Boost effect is really good. The other parts going to hurt my Cawh :/ oh well.


Brog I am Brog .... resantance to Cawh is pointless!

I play Lighting Sand after Cawh to offer a bit of Protection.

Zero engery Brog. Hope Cawh can take a pounding!

Dartax is good to his word and Sparks so that my Lighting Sand spell.

Dartax then plays Blast Gloves and a Gorgle's Gift.

Cawh hates fire.

Brog just can't belive it, its like, Voyager totaly hides itself inside a Sphere, with no explation and
comes out to see Earth... and uhhh... Resantance was pointless...

Well, my next Magi has a Chance.

And I see an Inferno Xyx in play. Its total anti-Cawh card day or what?



Golthub shows up. I could just blow him up and end this blog, but nope!

Here comes Cawh!

I play Overgroath and Flood of Engery. Ahh Refreshing.

More Flood of engery! If I had Bog Pit I'd be cool. But I dont :/

I deside to play my Trade Winds guess what I draw?! HAHAHH Bog Pit.

.... Even Cawh laughs at me.

dARtax'S turn: Spark -1. Blast -15. Imolate -11. Cawh is very much crushed.

Immolate (on a Flambit, what did they run out of names for powers?!) this removes up to 3 from my Magi.


Just. Wow.

Cawh sinks into the slime of Bograth, beaten by Clad, and he has lost hope.

Just then a winged Magi pulls him up from the swamp with an Updraft...

Cawh finds himself in the sky... Arderial Cawh!!!!

1 comment:

dartax said...

Umm... The Flambit Immolated to defeat the Magi. Incinerating the Cawh was done with an impressive roll using Greater Vaal.

I totally miscalculated that. I thought "Bograth in Cald - shifty creatures ignores Magam Flamesmith - lots of creatures - Cald might struggle." A total miscalculation. Should've focused on the Cawh first, Bograth second. Might have chosen my deck better then.