Saturday, February 9, 2008

The end of MND (on gnet) (and more?)

Well, those wacky kids at 2i or "Interactive Imagination Corporation" made a cartoon, that isnt much like the gameboy-stroy, but its PRETTYYYY close, for you know, a water-downed Pokemon cloan. I meen the kids summon the pets from stones, train them, put them back in the stones... honestly, if it had still been rings, etc etc .. and if the darn creatures DID NOT TALK and if the bad guys were really evil, well heck then it would be good. But wahtever.. now they have summoned the dreaded of all creatures, THE C&D. Pretty much this is because they are going to relice a version of magi nation, looking at the offical web page, and the "cards" they show there this version is going to be watered down and targeted at kids who like the cartoon.. Its most likely going to be a Pokemon cloan, and might have some mechanics we know, like engerize, but -- I just don't see it happening. So why the fuss? Wouldn't it be BETTER to alow Gnet to contune its fanbase, bringing more people INTO the game? Nope. That would make WAY to much sence.
Now I speak from experance, lets flash back to some other game:
Oh hows that relate? Well, check this out, Mage Knight was a super-popular game that (like magi nation) was easy to pick up, orginal, and fun. Like Magi Nation it died, but it did so under its own stupid rull changes/figure changes etc.
Magi Nations lived with just 4 sets for years now, and online fan base with more sets addded, the fans really put in alot of effort to see some really good (and bad) cards come out. Now all there efforts are to waste, becuse its gone.

Now Magi Nation stands where Mage Knight did, at a turning point, they have revenue from the show bringing in much neaded money, but in-place of using the pre-existing gamer fan base they want to interduce a whole new generation to the game! YAY!
Make Knight tryed to do this with 2.0 and died almost instantly there-after, although the compiny itself made due with other products, 2i does not HAVE any back up, this is it boys its MND or dust.

Personaly I'd rather just as see the new card game come out with one, maybe 2 sets, utterly crap out, and be alowed to be played online agian, OR EVEN BETTER.. if 2i is SMART they could buy gnet and the rights to the program, have MND (orginal) on there (for free since its not ever going to be out) and then the new one you pay something to play, just like MtG online.. but hey that would make a lot of sence... alow the players to keep making new cards for the old stuff.

But.. wait, again they want everyone to forget the past becuase the new stuff is going to suck so much, just you wait. I made a prodiction about the cartoon ages ago: Its going to spell the end of MnD. So maybe the fans will get back the rights to play it online, but more then likely the 2i crew will seal the rights (just like Mage Knight did, not alowing any fan-base to keep it alive officaly) -- just to protect there properity. The only hope then would be that some other compiny buy them out, maybe Wizards or Desipher, that engerize mechanic would be really good to buy, that mechanic is what MAKES MnD so awesome; and you can't just slap that on a card, its copyright -- maybe you could but you'd have to rename it and all that, I'm not sure where the laws are drawn there, but buying out the compiny would work.

Anyway, so Mnd is gone from Gnet. And possible gone for good soon, I expect if and I do say IF they make a new card game (they probley will) it will last 1-2 sets and then fold.

Well, it was fun. And we will always have memorys of good times and bad hamsters on gnet.

1 comment:

dartax said...

I would not be surprised if your prediction came true. Though, I reserve judgement on the new card game until it is released. No matter what happens, I still have my incomplete collection of Magi-Nation cards. Now if I could just get a job that paid well enough then I could go to some convention and hope to meet some other players of the old Magi-Nation like myself.... However for me right now, I just need to get off unemployment with a job period first.