Monday, January 22, 2007


Tonight I played a game with Ultradoug. He will be helping me maintain this blog... so get used to seeing his name. :D We both played Naroom. He went first, playing Woot!. He got a nice starting hand, but to my surprise he didn't play anything. Now if i was using my infamous Core deck, i would have maelstromed the bastard. But, to everyones surprise, i too played Naroom. My first magi was Pruitt. I retrieved grow from the deck and filled my hand to 5, like always. I played a stagadan, leaf hyren and weebo. Ultradoug played a horde of various wasperines and attacked Pruitt, leaving her at zero energy. I then made my stagadan at 19 energy, using bythan's gift and attacked Woot! Then, to my surprise, Ultradoug Grew his wasperine stalker to 12 energy! WOW! He attacked my stagadan, killing himself and leaving his magi open for attack. So, I attacked, defeating WOOT!

His next Magi was Tryn. The Picture Explains it all:

Tryn destroyed Pruitt. My next Magi was poad. We battled it out I killed tryn, He brought out Yaki the Core Stalker, Killed Poad. We were both down to pur last Magi. Mine was Tryn. I played a forest hyren and a Giant Carillion. I stomped his eebit. and added energy back to the Giant. His last creature attacked and killed my forest hyren. my giant had 9 energy, Yaki, 9 Energy. Unfortunately, Ultra had no cards in his hand that he could play, so he nobly drew his 2 cards, ending his turn and sealing Yaki's fate. GG Ultradoug. LONG LIVE MND!

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